This Christmas is different. 2020 has been an unprecedented experience for most people alive today and, while Covid restrictions will be eased somewhat over the holiday period, we must find new ways to celebrate the occasion.

47% of Irish workers worked from home during the early part of the crisis. Many continue to do so. At Blacknight, we opened our new offices for a brief period before the Level 5 restrictions were imposed in October, but we’ve since resumed remote operation, and we will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future.

It’s business as usual. We are luckier than most, in that our business is built for remote work. We sell remote access, connectivity, broadband and cloud services. Our ISO-approved Information Security Management System is designed for remote secure operation: you can’t just wander into our data centres. Our staff know technology. It’s their job.

But of course we miss the companionship of face-to-face contact, and that’s why we made a special effort to overcome the distance and work together on our Christmas video, just for fun.

We did this before in 2018 and it was great fun. This time it’s different. We wrote a new silly poem for the times we live in, and 11 volunteers put on their festive jumpers and Santa hats and joined in from their homes. Children and animals shared the stage. We’ve got Christmas trees and glitter and an elf costume!

We hope that we’ll be able to gather together again soon. In the meantime, we proudly present: The Blacknight Christmas Video 2020!

For our online Christmas card and holiday office hours, go to



‘Twas the month before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring – not even a mouse.
Though the network’s lit up, the desks are all clear
Because – the thing is – we’re not really here  

Oh sure – we’re on email and live chat and phones
But the whole Blacknight team is all working from home.
Logged into cyberspace, downloads and clicks
Our consciousness plugged into The Matrix.

You didn’t know this? No worries. It’s fine.
We’ve been working remotely from home this whole time.
You can’t tell the difference. We’re proud of that fact
It’s business as usual. The servers are racked.

You can call us – we love that – it’s great when you chat.
We can help you get online to sell this and that.
We’ve got broadband and websites and click-and-collect.
Buy Irish Online is our message. Respect!

It’s true 2020’s a difficult year.
We’d rather be down at the pub drinking beer.
Or vodka, tequila, or cocktails, or snuff
And meeting our friends for the crack. No, not that stuff! 

But we’re making the best of this difficult time.
We’re calling our friends to make sure that they’re fine.
We don’t want to spread Covid. We’re washing our hands
When this is all over we’ll be ready with plans.

Our message this Christmas is short and it’s sweet.
Be kind to each other. Remember to treat
Every moment as special. Give thanks for what’s right.
Merry Christmas to all! Lots of love, from Blacknight!

Blacknight's Christmas Opening Hours

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