Hoda Afshar Wins National Photographic Portrait Prize

Portrait of Ali

Portrait of Ali

The National Photographic Portrait Prize exhibition is selected from a national field of entries, reflecting the distinctive vision of Australia's aspiring and professional portrait photographers and the unique nature of their subjects. The winner for 2015 is "Portrait of Ali" by Hoda Afshar. In an interview with SBS Persian, Ms Afshar speaks about her achievement and the story behind this successful photo.

Hoda is a visual artist and currently a lecturer at Photography Studies College in Melbourne and also a PhD candidate at the department of Art at Curtin University since 2010. She finished a Bachelor degree in Fine Art - Photography at Azad University of Art and Architecture in Tehran and started her career as a documentary photographer for several years.


In 2006 she was selected by 'World Press Photo' as one of the top ten young documentary photographers of Iran to attend their Educational Training Program.


She moved to Australia in 2007 and pursued her passion for art making by exploring various aspects of photography as well as other mediums such as sculpture and video. In 2010 she started a Masters in Fine Art at Curtin University and expanded her research into a PhD programme. She investigates the academic discourses around contemporary social issues including globalization, imperialism and power relations, displacement and post-identity politics. Her artwork also attempts to open lines of communication in a world both homogenized by global economy and unsettled by mass migration. She tests diaspora, exoticism and altermodern cosmopolitanism for political, artistic and uncanny image-making ​possibilities.​



