Biometric Authentication in Business Applications

Biometrics is a great way to increase security and productivity in your business. As more businesses move to a remote workforce they are looking for ways to improve data security, and to run their companies more efficiently. For employers who still have people on site, there are numerous ways to leverage biometric data for their business applications. Here are some of the best uses of biometric data.

Facial Recognition

Face recognition, a form of biometric identification and authentication, is not just for Facebook photo tagging. It has been used in many applications over the years and continues to expand today. In the security industry, face recognition technology has been used to identify suspects from photo databases. These images can then be compared with faces that appear in video or still images captured by surveillance cameras or law enforcement officers on the street.

Face recognition is also used in mobile devices like iPhones and Android phones so you can unlock your device simply by looking at it rather than entering a passcode every time you want to access it. Face Recognition also comes built-in with many other smartphone apps to streamline the sign-in process and reduce the risk of someone accessing your accounts without your permission. For on-site businesses, this can be used to let people into the building and give them access to secure locations with less risk of a breach.

Source: Pixabay

Unlock Computers With Biometric Data

Many everyday devices, from your laptop to your mobile phone, use facial recognition to unlock them. You probably use facial recognition to unlock your phone or laptop. You can also use it at home, in your car, and even while you’re at work. This can benefit companies that send their staff home with computers that they only want the employee to access. It makes it impossible for the employee to share passwords that could compromise sensitive business data if the only way for them to access it is with their face or fingerprint. Additionally, for companies that utilize smart lockers, biometric data can be a simple way to give your employees access when needed. No password to forget or keys to lose.

Biometrics Include Fingerprints

The practice of fingerprinting employees for security purposes is one example of biometrics being applied within businesses. Fingerprint scanners are now standard equipment at many companies that handle sensitive documents or valuables such as banks, law firms, hospitals, and research facilities. It’s not uncommon for these systems to be connected directly to an existing IT system so that after an employee has been scanned once with their own fingerprint, they will be able to continue accessing doors without being scanned again.

Iris Scanners Are Helpful for Businesses

Iris recognition is a form of biometric identification and authentication. It has been used in some countries to verify the identity of passport applicants. Iris recognition is more accurate than fingerprinting, which can be affected by human error or wear-and-tear on the fingertips. Iris scans, much like facial scans, are very helpful when businesses need to protect information or limit access to certain areas of the company.

Biometrics Increases Security

Biometrics can help you significantly reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft. It also improves security for your employees, company resources, and clients. Biometric authentication can be used for time management to track employee hours worked. It can also track employee productivity and performance. Biometrics can be used to limit access to buildings and technology in the building to ensure that no one can mess with your business if they do not have authority.

It Increases Business Productivity

Do you know how much time is wasted on simple tasks including logging into computer systems and clocking hours? Leveraging biometric data can change the game and allow employees to move seamlessly between tasks, thus improving focus and productivity. Biometrics can also help with time management because the computer system recognizes and automatically tracks time spent doing work tasks by assessing biometrics.


Biometrics offers a great way to increase security and productivity in your business. It’s also improving privacy, as you can’t just hack someone’s face or handprint. The technology is currently more expensive than some businesses prefer, but will likely get much cheaper over time as more people begin using it.

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