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Putin may unleash nightmare 'war toys' like invisible drones, robot tanks and attack dogs

Vladimir Putin has a vast array of terrifying weapons at his disposal that he could use on Ukraine, including "invisible" T-14 robot super tanks and parachuting attack dog regiments

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, there have been countless examples of citizens going above and beyond to defend their country.

Whether they're towing tanks away with tractors, moving land mines off roads with their bare hands or tragically blowing themselves up on bridges to slow the Russian advance - the actions of everyday Ukrainians have been heroic.

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But for every day the Russian invasion is frustrated, the chance that Vladimir Putin will unleash a nightmarish arsenal of weapons on the region increases.

Former KGB agent Putin has a vast supply of unconventional weaponry at his disposal including robotic tanks and fearsome crack dog units, reports the Mirror.

Russia has a frightening armoury (Image: TASS)

These are just some of the terrifying units the Russian military could make use of.

Robot tanks

An Uran-9 military robot (Image: Sergei Savostyanov/TASS)
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Russian scientists have previously claimed to have created driverless robot tanks - armed with sensors, rockets, machine guns and flamethrowers - which could wipe out enemy trench positions.

Kremlin defence officials claim after successful testing in Syria the Uran-9 strike robots are now already operational.

They are understood to be able to act independently, as well as in groups using AI and remote control.

Russia is also said to be developing the BMPT-72 "Terminator" - which can allegedly survive nuclear explosions and down planes - and the "invisible" T-14 robot super tank.

'Flying Kalashnikovs'

A ZALA Lancet attack drone(Image: Marina Lystseva/TASS)

Russia's X-winged Lancet drones - dubbed 'Flying Kalashnikovs' - could be deployed to down unmanned warplanes.

An airborne minefield of the kamikaze weapons would be programmed to loiter above a battlefield and attack surveillance crafts.

It could pave the way for the first drone dogfights seen in modern warfare and Britain and the US would be extremely wary of the drones targeting their naval vessels.


Soldiers would land with attack dogs (Image: east2west news)
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Fearsome paratrooper dogs could be dropped into the frontline on tandem chutes with their handlers.

Training exercises have seen the canines wearing body armour and being dropped from 13,000ft with Russian National Guard special forces.

The dogs are said to be able to join combat missions, including providing security for troops and helping with rescues.

Land-water tanks

Russia has amphibious battle tanks

And it's not just dogs that will be falling from the sky as Russians have also developed a lightweight tank which can be parachuted onto land or into water.

The 18-ton Sprut-SDM1 war machines can hit targets from three miles away while being navigated at sea.

It has successfully passed tests after proving it can fire its anti-tank gun while being bashed about in 4ft waves.

Self-firing guns

Guns will fire by themselves (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
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And in the future, the self-firing AI Kalashnikov rifle "with its own brain" could arrive on European battlefields.

It can identify targets and pull the trigger without the need for a human shooter.

Chief designer Sergey Urzhumtsev said the future Russian soldier will only need to "give permission" to their weapons to find and kill enemies.

'Invisible' drones

A Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik heavy unmanned combat aerial vehicle(Image: TASS)

The S-70 Okhotnik - or Hunter - stealth drone boasts a flat and tail-less airframe, making it invisible to radar.

It is said to be able to fly from Moscow to London and back on a single mission - and would support Su-57 fighter pilots in packs of up to four.

The drones have missiles, spying radar and reconnaissance equipment.

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