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Inside Sean Penn’s trip to war-torn Ukraine as presidential advisor applauds ‘energetic’ actor’s documentary plans

SEAN Penn's trip to war-torn Ukraine to film a documentary about Russia's invasion has been applauded by a presidential advisor who described him as "energetic and engaged" after an intimate dinner with the star.

Fans of the Hollywood actor, who interviewed drug lord Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán for a controversial article for Rolling Stone, saw him emerge at a press briefing in Ukraine this month amid full-scale war.

Sean Penn was pictured with a photographer during a press conference in Ukraine
Sean Penn was pictured with a photographer during a press conference in UkraineCredit: Reuters
Alexander Rodynasky had dinner with Penn on February 23 and spoke exclusively to The Sun about his mission
Alexander Rodynasky had dinner with Penn on February 23 and spoke exclusively to The Sun about his missionCredit: Courtesy Alexander Rodnyansky

It's since been confirmed he is in the country to film a new documentary, and he took to Twitter to brand Putin's decision to invade as being "already a brutal mistake of lives taken and hearts broken."

Alexander Rodnyansky, an advisor to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, spoke exclusively to The Sun after meeting with Penn, 61, and colleagues on February 23 at Osteria Pantagruel, an Italian restaurant in Kyiv.

"Sean Penn was in contact with the Presidential Office for a while, and he came to Kyiv to learn about our economic and political development, and about the war with Russia," he said.

"I first met Sean on that evening when we had dinner in a small circle, only four people were present.

"I knew his colleague, director Aaron Kaufman, from before, as he had been in touch with the Presidential Office on many occasions.

"Our dinner was first and foremost just a friendly encounter, not really a formal business meeting. We spoke extensively about the political situation and the war, of course.

"I'm not sure if Sean will be in Kyiv for weeks, but he is still in Ukraine now. He appeared energetic, engaged, and curious to learn about Ukraine and our conflict with Russia when we met.

"So he struck me as someone deeply interested in human nature and the nature of human conflicts.

"It is certainly important that Sean came to Kyiv and if he can help shed more light on the plight of our situation, the world might find more resolve to act decisively in support of Ukraine."

Despite showing bravery by being in the country and documenting the war, Penn has still faced criticism online after being pictured meeting with Zelensky.

Rodnyansky told The Sun: "Regarding what I would say to people who question the involvement of celebrities: well, it depends on what they stand up for.

"If celebrities help back a noble cause or support a country in need [as currently in Ukraine], then I would certainly welcome and applaud that."


Rodnyansky, who shared a photograph of his time with Penn, is an assistant professor of economics at the University of Cambridge but has been on sabbatical leave since early 2020.

He has spent time as a Presidential Adviser and a Supervisory Board Member of The State Savings Bank of Ukraine, which they were preparing for privatization before the invasion. He admits those plans are now "in shambles."

On February 22, it was confirmed that the invasion of Ukraine had begun as Putin ordered Russian troops into the country on a "peace-keeping mission."

But it's believed Russia's President wants to reclaim many territories lost at the fall of the Soviet Union.

He first made inroads back in 2014 when Russia's troops illegally annexed the Crimea peninsula - sparking international condemnation.

The conflict has raged in Eastern Ukraine ever since as Putin backed-rebels fight against the government in the disputed Donbas region.

Speaking about the situation back home on Sunday, Rodnyansky said: "A large part of my family is still in Kyiv right now.

"My grandmother had to spend all of last night in a bomb shelter. My aunt and my cousins are here and seriously scared from all the sirens and airstrikes.


"So far, we are safe, but Kyiv is under siege as enemy forces are trying to overthrow our leadership in a storm.

"Our army has managed to stymie the Russian advance and their side is counting heavy losses [after just days]. But, as I said, we need to remain strong and hold our cities."

According to People, Penn is on the ground creating a film about Ukraine's invasion by capturing first-hand footage.

He was also seen in Ukraine in November 2021 where he was photographed wearing a helmet and military gear.

Taking to Twitter, the actor said this month: "Already a brutal mistake of lives taken and hearts broken, and if he doesn’t relent, I believe Mr. Putin will have made a most horrible mistake for all of humankind.

"President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people have risen as historic symbols of courage and principle."

He added: "Ukraine is the tip of the spear for the democratic embrace of dreams. If we allow it to fight alone, our soul as America is lost."

According to a translated statement from the Office of the President of Ukraine obtained by Newsweek, the government also officially welcomed the Milk actor to the country.


"The director specially came to Kyiv to record all the events that are currently happening in Ukraine and to tell the world the truth about Russia's invasion of our country," the statement said.

They said Penn, the founder of the organization Community Organized Relief Effort, is "among those who support Ukraine in Ukraine today," adding: "Our country is grateful to him for such a show of courage and honesty."

Penn was previously granted an interview with El Chapo, the boss of the Sinaloa drugs cartel, for Rolling Stone Magazine, days before he was arrested after being hunted following a daring prison escape. 

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The star and Mexican actress Kate del Castillo, who brokered the interview, had no idea their trip to meet the drug lord was being monitored by the National Security Agency, the US intelligence agency, which had broken into his encrypted communications.

Netflix released the film, The Day I Met El Chapo, soon after his arrest, but Penn's team appealed for the movie to be pulled, claiming it wrongly implied he colluded with US officials and could result in a revenge attack.

The Oscar-winning star, 61, was photographed in military gear back in November
The Oscar-winning star, 61, was photographed in military gear back in NovemberCredit: AP
The humanitarian met with President Volodmyr Zelensky for his new film
The humanitarian met with President Volodmyr Zelensky for his new filmCredit: Volodmyr Zelensky
Penn is working on the documentary with VICE Studios
Penn is working on the documentary with VICE StudiosCredit: Getty