Joe Rogan Defends Deep State: ‘Do You Know How F*cked We Would Be’ Without Them?


Joe Rogan defended career politicians and civil servants — derided as “the deep state” by former President Donald Trump and his supporters — in an interview with a former CIA offer.

“One of the things that the tinfoil-hat brigade likes to talk about is the deep state,” Rogan said on Saturday’s episode of The Joe Rogan Experience.

“They always like to talk about the deep state. What I was saying is, what if we didn’t have a deep state? Do you know how fucked we would be if we didn’t have career politicians and career intelligence agencies. People who are there for a long period of time who do understand it.”

Rogan, who was speaking with former CIA covert operations officer Mike Baker, argued that President Joe Biden proves the importance of having a robust government made up of career civil servants.

“Listen, I’ve disrespected Joe Biden enough, I don’t think I should do it anymore,” he said. “I’ve said enough about him being mentally incompetent. He’s just compromised, he’s an old guy. We know, everyone knows, the guy is falling apart. But imagine if he really was the only say in how things run, and how things go? If he really was a dictator.”

“We would be beyond fucked!” he said.

Rogan has previously said that he believes the deep state is real. Last November on The Joe Rogan Experience, he discussed the 2016 election and said, “look Trump’s not a perfect guy, but this thing he was saying about the deep state is 100% real!”

During his time in office, Trump repeatedly made references to the deep state, accusing officials in the U.S. government of working against him, calling them “a threat to democracy itself.”
