NYC odor complaints hit all-time high
New Yorkers think the city stinks
The summer heat tends to stir up NYC's stinkier side, and this year, it seems like the Big Apple smells more rotten than ever, as odor complaints in the city are reportedly at an all-time high. So why do so many New Yorkers think the streets stink?
NEW YORK - "It stinks… we are the best city, but at the same time we are the dirtiest."
That's how one New Yorker described the Big Apple, which could easily be described as the "Rotten Apple" as outdoor odor complaints are up throughout the city.
"Folks see our investment in sanitation, the city has to be clean and I'm seeing the city get cleaner and cleaner," said Mayor Eric Adams on Friday, adding, "Maybe I have a New York nose--I'm not smelling the filth. The number one thing I smell right now is pot--like everybody is smoking a joint now, you know?"
Adams says that if the report revealed anything, it's that car idling is the issue.
According to an analysis of 311 calls by the Post, odor complaints are at an all-time high, rising 54% to well over 5,700 calls so far this year--compared to the same span in 2021.
But many New Yorkers are quick to point out the city has always smelled--especially in the summer and on the subway.
"I love the city, but the city is not one of its strong points," said one New Yorker that FOX 5 NY spoke with, while another added, "It always smells though, it’s part of the charm."