WATCH: Man Caught Traipsing Around in His Underwear in Background of CNBC Live Hit


Karen Firestone of Aureus Asset Management? Today is the day you will receive a LOT of attention for appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Unfortunately for you, the vast amount of eyeballs you will receive will be less about your rapier insights and more about the be-boxered gentleman quietly traipsing across the background of your live shot.

The Monday morning appearance of the CEO and Chairman of Aureus was initially interrupted by the sound of dogs barking, which was deftly handled by anchor Andrew Ross Sorkin who cleverly referenced the “dog days” in the context of investing.  But the barking may have only drawn distracted eyes to a brief moment when a man in his skivvies was seen walking behind Firestone.

Not much to say here other than anyone who has done a live television appearance from the comfort of their own home understands the perils of such an endeavor, and Firestone handled the potential mishap with grace and aplomb.

Watch above, via CNBC.


Colby Hall is the Founding Editor of He is also a Peabody Award-winning television producer of non-fiction narrative programming as well as a terrific dancer and preparer of grilled meats.