Boris Johnson privately admits he wants to 'wipe away' resignation and RETURN to No10

BORIS JOHNSON has reportedly admitted in private that he wished to "wipe away" his resignation and return to Downing Street.

By Matthew Dooley, Deputy News Editor

Boris Johnson resigns as Conservative leader

Mr Johnson reportedly told Tory Peer Lord Cruddas that he "does not want to resign" and wishes he could "wipe away his departure". The news comes amid a growing movement in the Conservative membership to keep the embattled PM.

Mr Johnson told the former treasurer at Chequers over lunch on Friday that he "wants to fight the next general election as leader of the Conservative Party", according to The Telegraph.

Lord Cruddas has been campaigning to keep the PM in power. The pair reportedly discussed the "bring back Boris" campaign among the party's grassroots supporters to see whether the membership thinks he should resign.

More than 10,000 party members in just one week have backed the campaign.

Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson has reportedly said he wants to (Image: GETTY)

Lord Cruddas said: "There was no ambiguity in Boris’s views. He definitely does not want to resign. He wants to carry on and he believes that, with the membership behind him, he can."

The petition has been gaining more than 2,000 signatures a day and Lord Cruddas confirmed the campaign took membership numbers when the members signed to weed out any fakes.

Lord Cruddas said that Mr Johnson had invited him over to thank him for his "bring back Boris" campaign.

He said: "Boris thanked me for my 'Boris on the ballot' campaign. He said he was enjoying following it and he wished me well.

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Lord Cruddas.

Lord Cruddas is running the "bring back Boris" campaign. (Image: PA)

"He said he could understand the membership's anger at what had happened. He said that he wished that he could carry on as Prime Minister. He said he does not want to resign."

The Prime Minister also reportedly told Lord Cruddas that if there was a General Election tomorrow, he would win the election. Lord Cruddas agreed with the PM.

He added: "He has taken inspiration from my campaign. He hopes that there will be a way for him to stay on as Prime Minister and he believes that the Conservative Party will be making a big mistake if they ignore the wishes of its membership."

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Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss

Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss are primed to be the leader, but there is a growing movement backing Boris. (Image: PA)

The names are being sent to Conservative Campaign Headquarters chairman Andrew Stephenson.

If enough members back the Prime Minister, it could show a disconnect between the party and the MPs which have forced him out.

Liz Truss, who backed Boris Johnson before joining the leadership race, was shown to be favoured by the Tory membership in a recent YouGov poll.

Mr Truss received 62 percent of the voting intention, excluding those who were undecided or would abstain, while Mr Sunak, whose dramatic resignation helped spark the collapse of the Prime Minister's cabinet, received 38 percent.

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