
Don’t Expect Big Consumer Brands to Lower Prices Soon

Coca-Cola, Unilever and Kimberly-Clark say price increases helped them cover cost inflation, but they are watching how consumers respond

As inflation climbs in the U.S., rising food and energy costs have pushed the nation’s most popular price index to its highest level in four decades. WSJ’s Gwynn Guilford explains how the consumer-price index works and what it can tell you about inflation. Illustration: Jacob Reynolds

Consumers looking for relief from higher prices might have to wait a while.

The makers of Coca-Cola beverages, Dove shampoo, Huggies diapers and Big Macs have been raising prices as their costs increase on everything from wood pulp to wages. The executives behind these global brands on Tuesday said they would keep passing along those costs to shoppers, for now. Consumers are continuing to buy even as inflation takes a toll on households, these executives said.

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