
Google Sales Growth Slows as Pressures Mount on Ad Market

Online advertising remains in focus for investors as an industry critical to the health of many internet companies

As markets react to inflation and high interest rates, technology stocks are having their worst start to a year on record. WSJ’s Hardika Singh explains why the sector—from tech giants to small startups—is getting hit so hard. Illustration: Jacob Reynolds

Google parent Alphabet Inc. GOOGL 1.39%increase; green up pointing triangle reported the slowest quarterly sales growth in two years, as macroeconomic pressures weigh on the market for digital ads.

Alphabet posted $69.69 billion of second-quarter revenue on Tuesday, up 13% from the same period last year. That marked the slowest rate of growth since the second quarter of 2020, when the pandemic crimped demand for advertising in some areas, including travel.

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