
Welcome to Aotearoa? The Campaign to Decolonize New Zealand’s Name

Parliamentary committee could recommend vote among lawmakers or referendum to adopt Māori name

A recent joint statement from the U.S. and New Zealand referred to Jacinda Ardern as prime minister of Aotearoa New Zealand. Photo: james gourley/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

WELLINGTON, New Zealand—The first European contact with indigenous Māori ended with four sailors killed and a hasty retreat. But it led to an identity for this South Pacific country: Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch, or New Zealand when it later became part of the British Empire.

Now, some lawmakers want New Zealanders to drop a name that harks back to an era of colonization and adopt another—Aotearoa, a Māori word referring to the clouds that indigenous oral history says helped early Polynesian navigators make their way here.

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