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Arizona’s Republican Primary for Governor Tests Anger Over 2020

Trump-endorsed candidate Kari Lake is focused on unfounded election-fraud allegations, while Pence-endorsed Karrin Taylor Robson says the GOP must look forward

Control of Congress is up for grabs and candidates are eager to sway voters heading into November. WSJ’s Joshua Jamerson explains how Republicans and Democrats are framing the debate around key issues like the economy, abortion, gun violence, immigration and student loan forgiveness. Photo illustration: Laura Kammermann

PHOENIX—In one of America’s most tightly contested states, Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial primary Tuesday hinges on whether voters are still angry about the 2020 election results or want to focus on more traditional conservative issues.

Former local television broadcaster and political neophyte Kari Lake is endorsed by former President Donald Trump and his onetime adviser Steve Bannon. She has centered her campaign on the unfounded claim that Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in Arizona was fraudulent. She says new election-security policies are needed and wants to finish building a Southern border wall the federal government expanded under Trump.

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