'That doesn't sound like a recession to me': Biden REFUSES to admit economic crisis and touts how HE is responsible for growth as he pushes Manchin deal that will lead to new spending and taxes on the rich

  • President Joe Biden refused to admit the economy is in a recession during remarks delivered Thursday afternoon from the State Dining Room 
  • Biden pointed to strong job numbers remarking, 'That doesn't sound like a recession to me' 
  • He dedicated most of his remarks to the compromise announced yesterday between Sen. Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer  

President Joe Biden insisted the U.S. economy is on track after the Commerce Department said Thursday that the gross domestic product shrank for a second quarter in a row, which is typically the definition of a recession. 

'That doesn't sound like a recession to me,' Biden said Thursday afternoon in the State Dining Room, pointing to a 'record job market' and 'record unemployment.'

Biden noted that 'both Chairman Powell and many of the significant banking personnel and economists say we're not in a recession.' 

'Businesses are investing in American in record rates,' Biden boasted.  

He dedicated most of his speech to the Senate reconciliation bill compromise that was announced Wednesday by moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. 

'My message to Congress is this: This is the bill you can pass to lower inflation, cut the deficit, reduce healthcare costs, tackle the climate change and promote energy security - all the time while reducing the burdens facing working class and middle class families,' Biden said. 

'So pass it, pass it for the American people, pass it for America,' he added. 

President Joe Biden insisted the U.S. economy is on track after the Commerce Department said Thursday that the gross domestic product shrank for a second quarter in a row - typically the definition of a recession

President Joe Biden insisted the U.S. economy is on track after the Commerce Department said Thursday that the gross domestic product shrank for a second quarter in a row - typically the definition of a recession 

He called the package 'a big deal,' and walked through some of the provisions - a mix of healthcare savings measure, green energy initiatives, tax code changes and a deficit reduction push. 

'Some of you will see a lot of similarities between ... the Build Back Better initiative, it's not all of it, but we've moved a long way,' Biden said chuckling. 

It was Manchin who killed the House-passed Build Back Better bill in December, which included similar healthcare and green provisions, but also a reduction in childcare costs. 

But on Wednesday after the Senate passed the CHIPS bill - which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConell threatened to hold hostage if Democrats attempted to pass a reconciliation package again - Manchin and Schumer announced the deal. 

'I know the compromise on the inflation bill doesn't include everything I've been pushing for since I got to office,' Biden said, mentioning the dropped childcare provisions. 'Look this bill is far from perfect, it's a compromise, but that's often how progress is made, by compromises.'  

Instead of calling it some derivative of Build Back Better, it was renamed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

'Experts - even some experts who have criticized my administration in the past - agree that this bill, this bill will reduce inflationary pressures on the economy,' Biden insisted during his State Dining Room remarks. 

The president argued it would bring Americans' healthcare and energy costs down. 

'It's a bill that will cut your cost of living and reduce inflation, and it lowers the deficit,' he said. 

Originally it looked like any reconciliation bill would only include provisions to lower prescription drugs and extend Obamacare subsidies, as that's what Manchin had signaled.

Those provisions were included in the compromise, as well as climate change provisions. 

Biden outlined some of the green components of the bill, which he noted was endorsed by climate activsts like former Vice President Al Gore. 

'It invests $369 billion to secure our energy future and address the climate crisis, bringing down family energy bills by hundreds of dollars by providing working families tax credits,' Biden said. 

'It gives folks rebates to buy new and efficient appliances, to weatherize their homes and tax credits for heat pumps and rooftop solar,' he continued. 'It also gives consumers a tax credit to buy any electric vehicle or fuel cell vehicle - new or used - and a tax credit for up to $7,500 if those vehicles were made in America.'

Biden called the bill 'the most significant legislation in history' to deal with climate change. 

The president pointed out how the bill would put in place a 15 percent corporate minimum tax. 

'Now I know you've never heard me say this before - it will come as a shock for you -  but 55 of the Fortune 500 companies paid no federal income tax in 2020,' Biden said sarcastically. 'You've only heard me say that 10,000 times.' 

'Well guess what, this bill ends that,' Biden continued. 'They will have to pay a minimum of 15 percent.' 

Biden said that the bill adhered to his campaign pledge of not raising taxes on any American how made less than $400,000 a year. 

'Now look, I know it can be sometimes seem like nothing gets done in Washington - I know it never crossed any of your minds. The work of the government can be slow and frustrating and sometimes even infuriating,' Biden said. 'Then the hard work of hours and days and months from people who refused to give up pays off - history is made, lives our changed.' 

Biden then switched gears and talked about the CHIPS semiconductors bill, which still needs to get passed by the House of Representatives. 

'My plea is put politics aside, get it done,' he encouraged House members.  

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