Growing fears Putin will use nukes as Russia war effort falters, Brit expert claims
New fears of Russian president Vladimir Putin have been aired by a chemical weapons expert who says NATO countries will be keeping a close eye on Russia's response to the faltering Ukraine invasion
Russian forces being pushed back by Ukrainian soldiers has led to increased fears that despot president Vladimir Putin could come closer to using nuclear weapons.
As Ukrainian forces begin to gain momentum near the occupied city of Kherson, a British expert has warned that the continually faulting Russian war effort could have nuclear consequences.
Air strikes have destroyed several bridges near to Kherson, leaving Russian troops stranded and cut off from the rest of their invading forces.
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Russian military doctrine reads that when its forces are facing defeat, tactical nuclear weapons could be used, leading to growing concerns Putin may actually pull the trigger.
A chemical weapons expert has since spoken out on the potential chance of a nuclear tirade from the Russian president, saying that it was a "growing concern" for members of NATO.
Chemical weapons expert Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon said: "The spectre of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine is no doubt a growing concern in NATO capitals.
"As the tide appears to be turning in southern Ukraine, Putin's special operation could be about to unravel.
"At this stage it is critical the UK and the US signal to the Kremlin that any use of nuclear weapons would cross a red line."
Crossing the red line may be on the cards for the Russian president, whose invasion of Ukraine has seen consistent setbacks.
Tactical nuclear missiles, if fired, would usually have a killing radius of a mile and a half but shockwaves sent out by the impact of the missiles and electromagnetic pulses would pose additional risk to life.
Western intelligence agencies are keeping a close eye on transit of any weapons of that nature to southern Ukraine, Daily Mail reported.
Reports of nuclear escalations and frustration come as Daily Star reported Putin's "late-night health scare" may have the despot using body doubles.
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