WATCH: Trump Rally Gets Absolutely Bizarre, As Crowd Falls Into Eerie Silence During Sullen 8 Minute Monologue Set to Melodramatic Music


“We are a nation in decline,” former President Donald Trump mournfully declared from the podium of his rally in Youngstown, OH Saturday night.

And thus began an eight-minute sequence as utterly surreal as any ever seen at a Trump rally.

The content of the address was not altogether dissimilar from the standard Trump rally fare. The former president rattled off a list of grievances about America as he sees it under President Joe Biden.

But what set this sullen monologue apart was the melodramatic music playing in the background throughout, as well as the crowd’s eerie silence, and the fact that many in the audience held up one finger while the former president was speaking — in some sort of tribute which left many viewers truly confounded.

Among the subjects Trump touched on in his 8-minute Gettysburg address on anti-depressants were; inflation, energy costs, the U.S. pullout in Afghanistan, the FBI, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the press, and even the condition of the nation’s airports.

“We are a nation whose once revered airports are dirty and crowded and a mess,” Trump said. “Where you sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won’t leave, and they have no idea when it will. A nation where ticket prices are through the roof. They don’t have the pilots to fly the planes. They don’t want or seek qualified air traffic controllers and they don’t know what they are doing.”

All the while, the crowd remained silent — as Trump even appeared to shush them during the one point where they began to make noise.

“We are a nation that in many ways has become a joke,” he said. “And we are a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom and faith. We are a nation whose economy is floundering, whose stores are not stocked, whose deliveries are not coming, and whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every single list.”

Much of the crowd, throughout the monologue, held up one finger in tribute.

Trump then sounded a more positive note, towards the end, as he vowed change is on the horizon.

“We are a nation that has lost its way, but we are not going to let this continue,” he said. ‘Two years ago, we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. It was hard working patriots like you who built this country. And it is hard working patriots like you who are going to save our country. We will stand up to the radical left lunatics and RINOs, and we will fight for America like no one has ever fought before.”

Trump concluded his remarks, and the crowd applauded wildly.

Watch above, via Newsmax.

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Joe DePaolo is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: Follow him on Twitter: @joe_depaolo