Swastikas daubed on signs at Buchenwald camp memorial site
BERLIN (AP) — Swastikas and other far-right symbols were daubed on signs at the national memorial complex that stands at the site of the former Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, authorities said Friday.
Police said two traffic signs and a sign with a map of the memorial were daubed with the symbols on Thursday evening. The signs were removed swiftly.
The foundation that runs the memorial said on Twitter that it was “an abhorrent attack on the dignity of the Nazis’ victims and on our work.” There was no immediate word on who was responsible; police were investigating.
The incident comes after seven trees dedicated to the memory of victims of the Nazi camp were chopped down in July.
The Buchenwald concentration camp was established in 1937. More than 56,000 of the 280,000 inmates held at Buchenwald and its satellite camps were killed by the Nazis or died as a result of hunger, illness or medical experiments before the camp’s liberation on April 11, 1945.