George Will Begs Democrats Not to Run Biden-Harris 2024 and Risk America to Trump in Scorching Op-Ed


George Will on Morning Joe

Right-leaning columnist George Will implored Democrats not to put President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris up for re-election in 2024, lest they risk Donald Trump becoming president again.

Will, who abandoned the Republican Party back in 2016, crafted a Washington Post opinion piece with the unsubtle headline of “For the good of the country, Biden and Harris should bow out of the 2024 election.” In it, he argues Democrats must face facts that the country is becoming more conscientious that Biden is “past his prime,” and Harris is “unqualified to be considered as his successor.”

Will based his argument against Biden by referring to the moment last month when the president claimed that his student debt relief plan was passed in Congress. In reality, it was an executive order.

From the piece:

Biden was not merely again embellishing his achievements. This is not just another of his verbal fender benders. There is no less-than-dismaying explanation for his complete confusion. What vote? Who voted?

After repeated unilateral extensions of the moratorium on loan repayments until election season, Biden unilaterally implemented the windfall for millions of voters. Congress was not involved in this cataract of money from the Treasury, in violation of the Constitution’s appropriations clause.

It is frightening that Biden does not know, or remember, what he recently did regarding an immensely important policy. He must be presumed susceptible to future episodes of similar bewilderment. He should leave the public stage on Jan. 20, 2025.

As for Harris, Will tore into the veep’s “verbal meanderings” and her frequent forays into bizarre word salads while speaking in public. With these concerns regarding the president and the VP, Will says Democrats must not “imperil the nation” by re-nominating them when the GOP is likely to back Trump’s attempt at a 2024 political comeback.

“The national Democratic Party faces two tests of stewardship: Its imprimatur cannot again be bestowed on either of them. Biden is not just past his prime; even adequacy is in his past. And this is Harris’s prime,” Will says. “In 2024, the Republican Party might present the nation with a presidential nominee whose unfitness has been demonstrated. After next Tuesday’s sobering election results, Democrats should resolve not to insult and imperil the nation by doing likewise.”
