Britney Spears is ‘trapped as a baby doll pop star’ because of her traumatic past, celeb stylist reveals

BRITNEY Spears needs to break free from her dated pop princess image given her age and new life, a celebrity stylist has said.
But she claims the singer won't because she's shackled to her difficult past.
“In the industry, Britney’s style is considered as ‘Pop’ or ‘Bubblegum’ style, which worked well for her in her early 20’s, but now as a 40-year-old woman, it’s just silly, " explains celebrity stylist Amanda Sanders.
“It’s as if she’s not facing the present and might psychologically be stuck in the past.
“I really think Britney should have had a rebirth before the conservatorship came about, but the clock seemed to have stopped at a certain age, and she’s not moved past it.
“I think this is because of the psychological trauma that she suffered from her father, plus because she hasn't had her freedom as an adult, she's trapped as this young baby doll, cute pop star."
It was last November when Britney's 13-year conservatorship was ended by a judge and had included strict controls over her personal life and career.
Britney then went on to marry her long-term partner, Sam Asghari, signed a 15 million dollar book deal, and collaborated on a single release with Elton John.
But whilst the Baby One More Time singer looks to be enjoying her new freedom at her luxury home in Calabasas, her nineties-type fashion style seems to be locked in the past.
“Half of Britney’s Instagram posts are of her dancing, and then half of her posts are of her stripping.
"It's as if she’s still looking for that attention that she craves as being that younger pop star," explains Amanda.
“I don’t think that’s gone away and in real life, Britney hasn't identified with growing older."
“Her hair is still the same and doesn’t look professionally styled or modern, even though she’s physically in great shape for 40," adds Amanda.
"On the naked shots, I’d think as a mother you’d not want that exposure - one picture is fine on the beach, but taking them endlessly is poor taste.
“Otherwise, she should really get a stylist to bring her a contemporary look.”
The Lucky hitmaker shot to fame in the late nineties and is just as well known today for her glittering pop-infused stage appearances as she is for her music.
In the video for her 1998 debut track, Baby One More Time, Britney wore a schoolgirl outfit with her hair styled in braids and pink ribbons.
Through the early 200Os, Britney's personal life began to hit the headlines after she broke up with pop star Justin Timberlake, with her life reportedly thrown into chaos.
In 2003 she released the single Everytime from her fourth studio album as rumors began to circulate that she'd cheated on him.
For this video, she wore a similar white school shirt as the one in Baby One More Time, but this time, Britney's long blonde hair was left loose and flowing.
Britney's life transitioned into a whirlwind of controversy as she battled substance abuse issues, with her two sons, Jayden James and Sean Preston, going to live with their father, Kevin Federline.
In 2007, Britney's comeback at the MTV Video Music Awards was criticized after she appeared on stage dressed as a stripper and mimed her new single.
Today, the difficulties for the star and her personal feuds seem to be continuing with Britney speaking out online against her father Jamie, 70, and mother Lynne Spears, 67.
Her Instagram feed also continues to be packed full of images and videos of her either dressed up - or in a state of undress.
And, many of her clothes look similar to those that she wore when she was younger - such as short tops and skirts, and dresses with frills.
One of Britney's professional successes during her conservatorship was her Las Vegas residency, which ran at Planet Hollywood from 2013 to 2017 and during which she performed back-to-back concerts.
"Somebody could come and style her with looks that travel through the seasons and also offer her something more sophisticated," says Amanda.
“I think part of her difficulty is that her Vegas residency is also rubbing off on her since it’s a make-believe fairytale world place, where people only usually visit.
“The other issue is also accessibility since Britney was on a $2000 fashion budget before and that would impact her spending which she’d become used to.
“Otherwise, her fans are more sophisticated now and the younger generation also don’t know her.
“Today, her audience are in their 30s, 40s and 50s and so won’t relate to tank tops, her belly showing and the tube tops.
“I think Britney really needs a professional to help with her styling and clothes, but this is what she’s used to and she also doesn’t know any better."
“Britney needs someone to say, OK, it’s time to reestablish yourself, " adds Amanda.
“Everybody loves to see a comeback, but the style makeover is always the ultimate one.”