Leaked spy docs claim deranged Putin has ‘lost his mind’ and is taking secret cocktail of drugs to keep sane

VLADIMIR Putin is "overdosing on a cocktail of psychotropic drugs" in a desperate bid to hide his cancer battle, according to bombshell spy documents.
The Russian tyrant's health has long been the source of speculation, with Kremlin insiders saying his wellbeing is "sharply deteriorating".
There have also been Western claims about Putin’s health, notably from ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove, who said the Russian leader faces being sent to a sanatorium, and will be gone by 2023, due to medical issues.
In emails now seen by The Sun Online, a Russian intelligence source close to Putin, 70, appear to confirm he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and pancreatic cancer.
And the leaked documents reveal the tyrant is being given a "super secret stimulating substance" invented personally for him.
The "psychotropic" drugs help give Putin an energy boost to try and hide how "seriously sick" he is during key meetings and public appearances, the Russian insider said.
Read more on Putin's health
"He is really insane - he really has lost his mind," the Russian security services insider claimed.
"He's in an illusory condition being overdosed with the psychotropic drugs that are being pumped into him."
Psychotropic drugs alter the functions of the nervous system and result in changes in perception, mood, consciousness, or behaviour.
The special pill made for Putin is said to be similar to Meldonium - a drug invented in the 1980s for KGB and GRU officers in Afghanistan.
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"It worked on the principle of boosting blood circulation in the body and improving the stamina of the fighter," the insider said in the emails.
"For Putin, a component has been added to the drug that suppresses the state of psychological instability and any element of a sense of fear or danger."
Putin is terrified of being poisoned and has also ramped up a supply of meds in case he's targeted, the source said.
"At rare meetings with the public and journalists, Putin tries not to touch anything with his hands because he doesn't trust anyone," they said.
"He afraid of being poisoned by touching objects - if he drinks any liquid, all the bottles and glasses are immediately confiscated by his bodyguards and tested."
The Russian tyrant has also ordered a fresh supply of anti-radiation drugs for himself and his inner circle amid fears of an all-out nuke war and a poisoning incident, according to the leaked emails.
The insider said: "We are talking about substances like Indralin, which is a prime radio-protective agent, as well as Ferrocin, Compoferron, Etaperazin and Lantran."
Etaperazin is an antipsychotic medication - while Compoferron is a new generation drug which can treat heavy metal and radiation poisoning.
Another source told Sun Online that Putin's recent diagnosis is likely to have sparked his "tormenting paranoia".
"He's totally insane - he seems to be suffering from persistent delusional tormenting paranoia," they said.
"Perhaps it is aggravated by either his Parkinson's, or terminal cancer he has been diagnosed with.
"Putin has lost his mind."
Kremlin officials have always denied there is anything wrong with their leader.
But Putin's drastically changing appearance from strongman to sickly has aroused suspicions he is severely unwell.
Recent pictures show Putin looking frailer with a puffy face, while critics say he has been gripping the side of desks during public appearances to hide his tremors.
And his public appearances during the Ukraine war have shown him out of breath, stumbling over his words, or looking exhausted.
Political analyst Valery Solovey said his health "is deteriorating... dramatically" - and suggested his medical conditions have impacted his judgment on the shambolic invasion.
The deranged Russian president has repeatedly raised the spectre of using nuke weapons - and it's feared he could potentially be lining up a test in the Black Sea.
Game theory specialist Georgy Egorov warned a nuclear strike "makes sense" for Putin if he only has a few months to live.
He told Novaya Gazeta: "It makes sense to use nuclear weapons for Putin in only one situation - if the rumours about his health problems are true - if he has a few months left to live - he does not want to go down in history as a loser."
Putin was also recently pictured with suspected track marks from IV treatment on the back of his hand - amid swirling rumours he's suffering from cancer and crippling pain.
A propaganda video exposed the mysterious mark on Putin's hand as he tried to grasp a Russian soldier's arm.
He made the rare appearance as he fired a sniper rifle at a training camp for mobilised Russians.
Russia's state news hastily deleted the footage in a move that added to speculation about Putin's ill health.
But Lord Dannatt, the former chief of the defence staff, said his "black hands" might give away the true state of his health.
He told Sky News: "Keen observers now are noticing that his hands are looking pretty black on top, which is a sign of injections going in when other parts of the body can't take injections.
"It's interesting to note that, and just to watch whether he is as fit and well as he would like to portray."
Former Ukraine correspondent Tom Warner said: "I downloaded the 5 vids of this event posted to Telegram... and looked at all closely for back of hand shots.
"This seems to be just a weird angle of bulged veins.
"But the hand and face are puffy in all scenes. Long-term steroids."
Others claimed it could be a bite mark, while a retired neurosurgeon said it was "sclerotic veins from multiple IV catheters".
It comes after Ukraine's head of military intelligence claimed Putin has been using three body doubles, who have had plastic surgery to resemble him.
Major General Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine's head of military intelligence, claimed the body doubles are used to hide Putin's loss of control in the Kremlin amid claims of his ill health.
Budanov told the Mail on Sunday: "We know specifically about three people that keep appearing, but how many there are, we don't know.
"They all had plastic surgery to look alike."
Budanow asked: "The big question is whether the real Putin still exists?"
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The Ukrainian head of military intelligence did not discuss whether he believed Putin had disappeared - because of ill health or after a coup within the Kremlin.