grieving mental health

(Credit: Polina Zimmerman from Pexels)

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Forty-two percent of America’s young-but-cynical Generation Z are dealing with a mental health condition, a new survey finds. A range of these issues were largely identified during the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The analysis by Harmony Healthcare IT suggests tens of millions of Gen Z young adults started dealing with a mental health problem in the months immediately following the start of the global pandemic in March 2020. The Indiana-based data management company’s survey highlights a staggering percentage of young adults diagnosed with anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the pandemic.

Three-quarters of these Americans, all under the age of 25, say the pandemic negatively impacted their mental health, with many citing loneliness and uncertainty about the future.

Eighty-five percent of Gen Z respondents say they’re worried about the future in general. The vast majority cite their personal finances, the economy, the environment, and the country’s increasingly polarized political landscape as top concerns.

Nearly 90 percent of Gen Z respondents believe their generation is not set up for success and 75 percent feel they are at a disadvantage in comparison to previous generations (like baby boomers or Gen X) who are at least 42 years-old in 2022. This latest poll portrays Gen Z as overwhelmingly cynical about the post-pandemic world and what role they may one day play in it.

1 in 5 young adults are seeing a therapist

Twenty percent of the 1,000 Gen Z study participants say they have a regular therapist, 57 percent take regular medication, and 39 percent attend therapy for mental health issues once a week. Gen Zers are also two times more likely than millennials or Gen Xer to report struggling with daily emotional distress issues.

More than two in five of the country’s 68 million Gen Zers have a clinically-diagnosed mental health condition. Nine in 10 Gen Z adults diagnosed with mental health issues say they struggle specifically with anxiety. Moreover, eight in 10 say they fight against frequent bouts of depression.

Almost one-third of Gen Z survey respondents rate their overall mental health in 2022 as “bad,” with a sizable portion of these young people saying they have more bad days than good in any given month. Many of these often-intangible mental health issues may have a connection to very tangible concerns about daily life among America’s increasingly pessimistic young people.

Sixty-six percent of Gen Z respondents say they don’t feel financially stable and half of these young Americans don’t feel ready to join the U.S. workforce. An overwhelming majority say they’re concerned about the future of the economy and 90 percent are perpetually worried about their personal finances.

Sociologists and statisticians identify Gen Z as the third-largest American population behind the millennials and baby boomers. These tweens, teenagers, and 20-somethings are also the most racially, ethnically, and sexually diverse generation in the United States.


In September 2022, Harmony Healthcare IT surveyed 1,055 Gen Z adults to ask them about their mental health. 47% were men, 45% women, 6% nonbinary, and 2% transgender. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 24 with an average age of 22.

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About Benjamin Fearnow

Mr. Fearnow has written for Newsweek, The Atlantic & CBS during his New York City-based journalism career. He discusses tech and social media topics on cable news networks.

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  1. Nope says:

    What you are saying is that they are 9% off being considered mentally healthy.

    if 9% more had mental illness it would actually mean that it is normal to have the mindset they do and the 41% who have no mental illness are an oddity.

    This really just means we need to start to analyze the changes in society that revolve around youth.

    Pretty much take 1 parent out of the work place so they can raise the child please.

    Forcing both parents to work was a joke..

  2. Murica says:

    We need a survey on the percentage of American psychiatrists that diagnose EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR PATIENTS with some sort of mental illness. I bet it’s somewhere close to 99%

    1. Nope says:

      That seems pointless.

      We need to understand that over the past 40 years we have drastically changed the family unit.

      Essentially children are raised by the state at school and the media through social media.

      Parents play much less of a role in the raising of children since the womens rights movement and the dual income standard.

      What you are stating isn’t even relevant and is more or less a low IQ response. It is like you have a defensive response to this information. You didn’t fail your children society did and society also failed you.. just so you know.

      Also you need to understand that psychiatrists make diagnosis based purely off analysis there is nothing scientific about their diagnosis and it is not actually a medical diagnosis but an opinion.

      Psychiatry is a joke of a field and essentially covers the “Average” mind set. I have a 140iq.. Sorry but a Psychiatrist trying to compare me in anyway shape or form to an average baseline is going to find things different about me. They are because I am not average and I do not think like an Average person and never have.

      I get stressed when others wouldn’t I deal with depression from understanding issues others aren’t intelligent enough to even comprehend.

      Now do I need medication? No.
      Is there Medication to change how I think?Duh there are drugs to do lots of things.
      Should I make myself like an Average person?Helllll no
      Does the government want most people to be like the Average person? Does the government want people to be easy to manipulate and prone to being submissive? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      I can’t imagine what my life would be like If I was born with an average iq instead of being in the 130-140 range.

      Would I really be a useless little tool like the average person?

      1. Rowan says:

        Given your litany of appalling grammatical errors and lacklustre sentence structure, I sincerely doubt your IQ is that high. Unless you’re an idiot savant. Genuinely smart people don’t drop their IQ into conversations multiple times, either. They don’t make it their defining feature and brag about how special and misunderstood they are.

        Must’ve done a shitty online test, mate. You are average. You are not special. You are not misunderstood. You are a walking example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and the cringe is real.

        Possibly get tested for autism while you’re at it, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re on the spectrum.

  3. RLABruce says:

    That explains our bizarre election results! Bet all of the mental cases are Dems, because WTH can vote for Dems except people with mental problems?

  4. Mike says:

    Democrats blame Republicans and Republicans blame Democrats. The rhetoric and fear mongering has been ramped up the last 20 years by both sides. , Throw in a Pandemic and relentless biased reporting of everything that is fearful and what should we think the outcome on young people would be, especially those without good guidance and mentors? Dems and Reps have been in the Whitehouse and in control of Congress for 100+ years. If THEY are our leaders, THEY are to blame. Time for a 3rd Party.

    1. David Wright says:

      This problem that you refer to has not been ramped up by Republicans. In fact all the Republicans have doing is to say “hold on! Do we really want to go down this road? Does this comport to our constitution?”
      As far as needing a third party —that will never work. The libertarian party has not been and never will be a viable party.
      As with the libertarian party (or Bull Moose Party, or the Independent Party used against G. H. W. Bush in 1992) would only strengthen one party and create two weak ones in opposition. If a fix is in order (and I believe it is) then both parties need to self examine their goals, their methods, their self promotion of their leadership, their philosophies – and fix themselves.

  5. no says:

    How in the hell can 20%m of Zoomers afford a therapist?! I’m in my mid 40s, make a six figure income, and *I* can’t afford the $200+/hr for a regular therapist.

    1. ArKayne says:

      All ya have to do is live at home, have Mumsy and Pops pay the bills and have some form of Guberment insurance. A SS disability/welfare/EBT check every month never hurts either. Anxiety is now a disability don’t ya know!

  6. sstressedd says:

    liberalism is a mental disease.

    1. JohnD says:

      Explains how Obama got elected. I knew it couldn’t be from people with sound, logical thinking minds.

      1. Mike says:

        I meant to put Biden, but it covers both!

      2. Vendicar Decarian says:

        Why not? Obama is a brilliant, articulate man, and an emotionally stable nice guy.

      3. Fight evil. Read books. says:

        Please list the bad things you believe Obama did.

      4. Richard Greene says:

        Significantly increased racial tensions
        Lost a war in Afghanistan for eight years
        Slow economic growth
        Got re-elected !

      5. Cameron says:

        Well, we know where you get your news from…

        By ‘increased racial tensions’, do you mean that he shamed racists and racism, and you and your ilk are upset that you can’t be outwardly racist anymore? What a damn shame.

        You’re seriously trying to blame Obama for Afghanistan?? I bet you’re mad he was nowhere to be found during 9/11, huh? Total abdication of duty 🤣 If you subscribe to the narrative, which I personally don’t, but remind me, who took out OBL? Oh, right. It was Obama.

        Slow economic growth? Try again. This isn’t true no matter which way you look at it. Stock market +182%. Nearly 7 million jobs created in his final 3 years alone. Average economic growth of more than 2%. Household debt fell and income rose. All of these numbers are better than Trump, mind you—many by a mile.

        Feel free to state facts and statistics to support your claims, though I won’t hold my breath. I suspect you don’t have any. But you’ll continue to act like you’re informed when the truth is you hate Obama because he’s black. You know, I’d at least respect you and your kind a little more if you were just up-front and honest about it. I wouldn’t respect you by any means, but I would appreciate the honesty.

    2. Vendicar Decarian says:

      Liberal countries in Europe, and South America, and Liberal Countries like Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, etc. don’t have the same mental health issues as does Capitalist/Conservative AmeriKKKa.

      So what is it about Capitalist/Conservative AmeriKKKa that makes it such a pathetic nation of mentally deficient losers?

      1. Fight evil. Read books. says:

        First of all, Reagan closed the mental institutions and decided to depend upon Big Pharma for the nation’s mental health help. (Funny that half his administration was heavily invested in Big Pharma. The Bushes, Rumsfeld, and many others.) So then, medications that didn’t work and harmed people flooded the market, making the problem much worse. Then all those mentally ill people had babies in an unrestricted fashion. Also, narcissism has been encouraged in America since WWII. And many, many people are very bad parents who inflict traumas upon their children, making them mentally ill. It’s all a tall house of cards slowly crashing. Out-of-control capitalism.

      2. Learn Facts Not Fantasies says:

        Sorry, the same old leftist foil. 1 – First, mental institutions are state and county operations. They did receive some federal funding. 2 – DEMS passed laws prohibiting non-voluntary institutionalization after a single Hollyweird movie. Most such institutions soon emptied out except for court ordered cases. 3 – Reagan saw no need for federal funding of mostly empty facilities, and to give the bird to the nutty Dems who swooned over a 60% made-up movie, he asked Congress (they who control spending) to delete the line item for this in the annual budget. 4 – Since you are a communist obviously, let me explain how capitalism lifts people out of misery while leftists’ ideologies dig the pit deeper. 5 – So tell us, how many crazies had babies ( and not just by the drug soaked hippies)? Hundreds maybe? 6 – Trauma on children. I agree, that is exactly what leftists parents have been doing for 50 years. And now with the insanity of non-binary gender, make believe trans insanity, and grooming in elementary school and beyond, it is out of control. 6 – How does capitalism (your provide goods or service, get paid and maybe accumulate wealth) – versus state controlled economies – affect mental health? You learn a MARKETABLE profession (very few of the “liberal arts degrees”), have a good work ethic, and put forth the needed effort and you won’t be living with mommy till you are 50. There is no free lunch, not even in commie countries.

      3. Curmudgeon says:

        Excellent rebuff of the Liberal take on things. First, those who are quick to say, look at other countries, I’m sorry, but things are not quite so blissful as they appear in some of those countries. Canada for one, has likely just as many issues, and the numbers would not be far off this studies findings. Look for them to get worse with the ever increasing usage of legal pot and illegal as far as that goes. But be that as it may, our society is being subject to several destabilizing forces that contribute. May I suggest that the breakdown and disruption of the family is one of the top ones, which is a purposeful thrust of the Marxist /Communist adherents by the way. The speed and sheer quantity of information, and social media (mostly skewed and bad information sources), these impressions all park and are stored in the frontal lobes of growing adolescents brains and are difficult to process and then manifest in all sorts of ways, and all drive toward the further erosion of a mentally stable society. The loss of faith, particularly the Christian faith that was a huge stabilizing force (we are told from other studies that belief in God is on the decrease and the rise of the nones is the trend). Add to this bad drugs, poor actual schooling that is not indoctrination, incessant mass marketing that leads to frenzied spending habits to stay up with the trends, lousy and generally violent video games, pitiful TV shows that further erode any semblance of a moral code, eating ourselves to obesity and Voila! You find yourself with a quickly debilitating society that is showing ever increasing levels of anxiety, depression and general angst. I know we cannot recover the leave it to beaver days, but instead of commiserate, can we not get back to the basics: the classics, the faith, and some sense of family and community to celebrate! Just Sayin!

      4. T says:


  7. LongTimeTexan says:

    Fifteen percent of liberals are on some kind of medication for mental issues…the scary part is, that means eighty-five percent are running around un-medicated.

    1. Cunning Linguist says:

      Great reply!

  8. Bob Eubanks says:

    It’s extremely popular to have or to claim to have mental illnesses and issues right now. Go on any high-traffic member site (reddit, imgur…) and you’ll start to think that 100% of the participants have some kind of mental illness. They all have it in their bios, mention it as often as possible, jump on new ones as soon as they hear about them and update their bios to include them, and make up obviously fictional stories about things that happened to them to exacerbate the problems.

    It all just comes down to attention-seeking and trying to follow popular trends. If the popular trend was to be mentally stable and concentrate on working hard, they’d all be doing that (or saying it anyway).

  9. Jan_in_NH says:

    They are also “do as I say or else” bullies

    1. Vendicar Decarian says:

      More like “I don’t need any additional stress” bullies.

    2. J says:

      They dont know Yeshua…

      1. Vendicar Decarian says:

        “They dont know Yeshua…”

        Or any of the Power Rangers.

      2. David says:
