George Santos Reportedly Used the Name ‘Kitara’ During Time as Brazilian Drag Queen

George Santos Reportedly Used the Name 'Kitara' During Time as Brazilian Drag Queen

Screenshot via Twitter.

A new report claims Rep. George Santos (R-NY) went by the name “Kitara” while he performed in drag during his youth in Brazil.

Santos reportedly used numerous aliases before he was elected to the House in November after campaigning on lies about his background. Santos is said to have used the name Anthony Devolder – an alias he is accused of using to allegedly swindle money from a fundraising campaign for a veteran’s sick dog.

According to reporter Marisa Kabas, Santos also used the first name Anthony during his youth in Brazil. Kabas reported the now-34-year-old also dressed in drag and used the name “Kitara.”

“NEW: I just spoke by phone with Eula Rochard, a Brazilian drag queen who was friends with George Santos when he lived near Rio,” Kabas tweeted Wednesday with a picture she said was of Santos from 15 years ago. “She said everyone knew him as Anthony (*never* George), or by his drag name, Kitara, and confirms this photo is from a 2008 drag show at Icaraí Beach.”

Kabas further reported:

I conducted my interview with Eula along with a translator—a friend of mine from Brazil—so the responses I’m sharing are English translations from Portuguese. Eula says she met Santos when he was 16 or 17 years old and became friends because they were both gay and enjoyed drag.

Eula saw a story about Santos on Brazilian news and was sure was it was him. She shared the news with a group of friends and everyone doubted her. So she looked for an old picture to confirm, and she decided to post it to social media to prove to her friends that she was right.

Santos has faced calls to resign since last month when details about his lies first came to light. He has repeatedly insisted he does not intend to surrender his seat.
