Comic Tom Segura Has Bizarre Run-In With a Notable Senator And His Fascination With Term Motherf*cker


Comedian Tom Segura recalled a bizarre encounter he allegedly had with Senator and part-time podcaster Ted Cruz while out for a walk in his neighborhood.

Segura shared the story as part of his new special Sledgehammer which premiered on Netflix on July 4th. Segura and his wife, fellow comedian Christina Pazsitzky, moved to Texas in the last few years and he revealed that one of their neighbors just so happens to be Cruz.

“Here’s what’s wild. A current or former United States Senator, I shall not say, whom lives in my neighborhood. Everybody talks about him. I know which house is his. I’d never met him. Now I’m home from tour and I decide to start my day with a morning walk, a casual walk. You know, I have some coffee, let’s get the day started. I go for a walk,” Segura said.

“I walk past his house, he comes outside. I don’t say anything, right? But he yells out — he goes, ‘Hey, are you the comedian,'” he said.

Segura confirmed that he was indeed “the comedian” and the Senator proceeded to ask him a puzzling question.

“He goes, ‘where do you think the term motherfucker comes from?’ — Hello. It’s nice to meet you,” Segura said. “I go, I don’t know. He goes, ‘You think it’s from people doing that?'”

“‘How many people do you think do that,'” the Senator allegedly asked.

“More than you want it to be,” Segura replied.

The conversation then took another bizarre turn.

“I’m not making this up. I could not make this up. He says to me, ‘How about daughter fuckers?’ I go, first of all, that’s not an expression that anybody uses, right? No one’s like, check out this crazy daughter fucker over here. I go, if you have kinks, we can talk about them, but not like this. I don’t like this at all. He goes, nah. And he just turns around and walks into his house,” Segura said.

Segura said he continued on his walk and eventually had to pass by the Senator’s house one more time on his way home. He alleges the Senator emerged from his house yet again and tried to salvage the conversation.

“He goes, ‘I thought about it. And a motherfucker is not somebody who fucks their own mom.’ He goes, ‘A motherfucker is someone who fucks your mom. That’s the most disrespectful thing anyone can do. So if somebody is particularly rude, you call them a motherfucker.’ And I go, wow! I am so impressed that you put that together so quickly,” Segura said. “I can see why you may or may not be Ted Cruz.”

Watch above via Netflix.
