
Republican Attorneys General Warn Top U.S. Businesses Over ‘Discrimination’

Citing affirmative action ruling, top state law officials put Fortune 100 on notice for racial quotas, preferences

The Supreme Court has banned colleges from using race as admission criteria, essentially ending affirmative action. California did the same 25 years ago. WSJ explains how what happened then can offer a road map for what could happen now. / Photo Illustration: Madeline Marshall

A group of Republican attorneys general issued a letter on Thursday to the nation’s largest companies warning them against race-based preferences in hiring, promotions and contracting after the Supreme Court’s recent decision finding affirmative action unconstitutional

The letter, sent Thursday to Fortune 100 companies, said discrimination is common at many companies and said the high court decision last month to strike down race-based policies in college admissions should send a signal to corporate C-suites and boardrooms. The Fortune 100 measures the largest U.S. companies by revenue, including Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson among many others. 

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