
Donald Trump Earned Millions From Speeches, Golf and Resort Ventures

New filings detail income streams fueling $1.5 billion in reported assets

Donald Trump also reported his wife, Melania, earned more than $1 million from speaking engagements since 2021.
Donald Trump also reported his wife, Melania, earned more than $1 million from speaking engagements since 2021. Photo: eva marie uzcategui/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump earned more than $12 million in speaking fees and at least $13 million from overseas golf and resort ventures since leaving office, according to updated disclosures that offer new details on the 2024 Republican presidential front-runner’s financial picture.

Post-presidency, Trump earned between $150,000 and $2.5 million apiece across 15 speaking engagements, including his American Freedom Tour in Florida and Texas, as well as events with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. Trump also reported the equivalent of at least $7 million in revenue from his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland.

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