
Zuckerberg Channeled ‘OG Mark’ to Fast-Track Secret Effort That Became Threads

Staffers toiled for months to create a Twitter-like service that would fit with existing apps

Facebook parent company Meta has launched Threads, a stand-alone microblogging app that rivals Elon Musk’s Twitter. Within seven hours of its launch, the app gained 10 million sign-ups, according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Photo: Yui Mok/Zuma Press

For Mark Zuckerberg, the launch of Threads this month was the culmination of a secretive, monthslong effort aimed at rewriting the narrative about Meta Platforms META -2.30%decrease; red down pointing triangle and his leadership of the social-media giant during the most difficult stretch in its history.

The initial success has given the 39-year-old Zuckerberg a chance to crow and to show himself successfully on offense for the first time in a while in a fashion consistent with the public image of a winning jujitsu battler he and his handlers have cultivated in his social-media posts of late.

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