
Would Allies Fight With U.S. for Taiwan? Japan Is Wary

Washington and Tokyo are making plans to defend Taiwan against a potential attack by China, but Japan won’t commit its military

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently said his country must ‘spend more on military deterrence and response capabilities,’ but Tokyo emphasizes any buildup is strictly for self-defense.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently said his country must ‘spend more on military deterrence and response capabilities,’ but Tokyo emphasizes any buildup is strictly for self-defense. Photo: Kyodo News/Zuma Press

TOKYO—American and Japanese military officials have been working on a plan for a conflict over Taiwan for more than a year, but the talks have yet to resolve a central question: Would Japan join the fight?

Washington has nudged Tokyo to consider roles for the Japanese military such as hunting for Chinese submarines around Taiwan, said people familiar with the discussions, without getting any commitment.

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