‘Oppenheimer’ Inspires Road Trips and Far-Flung Flights as Movie Buffs Clamor for the Ideal Viewing Experience

Director Christopher Nolan touted the IMAX 70mm as the best way to see his historical drama. There’s just one hitch.

Cillian Murphy in ‘Oppenheimer.’ Melinda Sue Gordon/Universal/Everett Collection

To view the highly anticipated “Oppenheimer” as director Christopher Nolan intended, some cinephiles are going the distance. 

Dedicated film buffs are hitting the road to grab a seat at one of only 30 theaters in the world capable of projecting IMAX 70mm film prints of “Oppenheimer.” Their journeys range from an hour’s drive to hourslong flights. Some are turning the excursions into weekend getaways, crashing at friends’ homes nearby. 

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