World’s first AI beauty pageant slammed as ‘more curse than blessing’ as people claim it’s sign world ‘getting dumber’

THE world's first artificial intelligence-generated beauty pageant is not receiving the alluring praise from techies that the event's creators hoped for.
AI creators will have an opportunity to pick up their digital paintbrushes and crafting tools and manufacture their perfect dreamy pixelated beauty pageant.
The online sculptor who can generate the most desirable AI beauty pageant will be awarded the digital title of Miss AI, courtesy of the World AI Creator Awards, sponsored by virtual model content creator Fanvue.
A $5,000 cash prize will be awarded to the creator behind Miss AI.
The pixel-perfect model will also be promoted on Fanvue's platforms and receive public relations support worth more than $5,000.
Second and third-place winners will also receive an undisclosed prize.
But, the faux contest, which opened on Sunday, is not as simple as it seems.
The pixelated divas will be scrutinized by four judges - two of whom are the world’s biggest AI-generated influencers, Emily Pellegrini and Aitana Lopez.
There will also be two real judges on the panel, head judge of Miss Great Britain Sally-Ann Fawcett and marketing expert Andrew Bloch.
The judges will examine the AI pageant's beauty, the creator's use of AI tools, and social media clout.
The winners will be announced online on May 10.
And to emulate an actual real-life beauty pageant event, there will be an online awards ceremony to crown Miss AI.
However, some techies condemned the virtual contest, saying it is disintegrating society.
"Beauty pageant for AI women? What is the world turning into," one person criticized.
A second wrote, "Wow, I have a theory that we are getting dumber by the day, and this fits in perfectly."
"Who organized this madness!?" another said.
One person warned about AI's influence and believes it's a "curse rather than a blessing."
"Are u saying these are not real ladies???" he asked.
"Mehn! We hv 2 be very careful of this AI thing so it doesn't become fir us a curse rather than a blessing!!!"
Real Housewives of Atlanta star and model Claudia Jordan ripped the contest, comparing it to photoshopped pictures.
"It's hard enough being a woman in this society, the way it is, and the scrutiny we already get," Jordan told TMZ.
"Now, we have AI highering the standard of beauty where they're just so perfect."
Head judge Sally-Ann Fawcett said the event is taking pageanting to a new level.
"It's funny because, in the past, traditional beauty queens were called fake and artificial, but this takes it to a whole new level," Fawcett previously told The Sun.
"As an added bonus, one must presume that they won't be programmed to be bad losers."
Fanvue co-founder Will Monange said, "The creator economy is an extremely exciting place to be right now.
"There's been exponential growth in AI creators entering the space, and with the help of our platform, growing their fan bases and monetizing content.
"Miss AI recognizes talent and tech, which will help to raise standards within the industry.
"It is just one award as part of a program, and we share the vision for the WAICAs to become the Oscars of the AI creator economy."
Fanvue is expected to receive thousands of entrants to its AI pageant.
The contestants will be carved down to a top 10 list before the final three are announced.