Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a leader of Neturei Karta in the U.S. who runs around the world to kiss notorious terrorists and Holocaust deniers, isn’t content with supporting the world’s worst miscreants – he has to oppose the country that provides him shelter, too.
On Monday evening, Weiss participated in the burning of an American/Israeli during a street protest near the Met Museum in Manhattan. Video from the flag burning shows pro-Hamas demonstrators shouting in Arabic as Weiss helps set the flag alight.
Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
Download File: https://yeshivaworlds3.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/07092559/WhatsApp-Video-2024-05-07-at-1.58.20-AM.mp4?_=1Another video shows Weiss shredding an Israeli flag amongst the protesters, and a third shows him getting into a fight with a protester over a scarf, with the woman claiming that Weiss had stolen it from her.
However much you already detest Weiss and Neturei Karta, it isn’t enough.
Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
Download File: https://yeshivaworlds3.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/07092641/WhatsApp-Video-2024-05-07-at-9.25.36-AM.mp4?_=2Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
Download File: https://yeshivaworlds3.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/07092720/WhatsApp-Video-2024-05-06-at-10.26.30-PM.mp4?_=3HEAR IT: The Satmar Rebbe Of Williamsburg Excoriates Neturei Karta Who Join Pro-Hamas Protests
YWN has been exposing these Kapos for the past twenty years. These Muslims who dress in Chasidic garb have openly supported terrorists for years and years. The past few months since the war began, they have been Michalel Shabbos bifarhesia every single Shabbos, joining in violent radical pro-Hamas protests around the world, dragging their young innocent children as pawns in their sickening chess game, and parading them around on national TV, as they hug and kiss terrorists.
In fact, just a few weeks before October 7th, the group met with the “Butcher of Tehran,” Ibrahim Raisi, at the United Nations. Before that, a delegation from the Palestinian Neturei Karta group met with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad multiple times.
Neturei Karta Reshoyim flew to Iran when Ahmadinejad held a “Holocaust Denial Conference”, where one of the main Reshonim in this group stood up – Mr Achmed (Yisroel David) Weiss and literally hugged and kissed the Iranian Hitler. You can consider these animals nothing less than holocaust deniers.
At another meting of terrorists, Mr. Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism.
They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.
They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”.
They have visited the U.S. Capital to show their unwavering support for anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar and her “courageous stance” against Israel.
The list goes on and on.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
28 Responses
Wrong headline! This flag is a israeli flag, who decides if it’s an American flag or israeli flag?
I hope they pay YWN for helping them spread their message by “exposing” them.
People need to stop viewing the Neturey Karta as a frum group. It is possible that in their private lives they keep most mitzvahs but as a group they are nothing more than a group of very militant Palestinian nationalists. Their political actions and views are all guided and copied from whatever is currently being preached by the extreme Palestinian nationalists. The do on occasion reference what they believe to be the Torah view on Zionism but they only do so in the context of fighting for Palestinian nationalism.
Monsey boy
NK, the biggest reshoyim ever – you’re defending? Shane on all those that have even a word of good to say about them.
Don’t be complicit with them.
The גמטריא of משה דוד is 359= שטן
The name can either be זה לאומת זה or it can be שוטפו של שטן
I think I know which one this is 😈
Money buys everything… it buys a ticket to Switzerland, called the stetner for the privileged. It buys bankruptcy lawyers, it buys politicians, like that crook that said I never said I was Jewish while he was asked by a media guy. I meant to say that I was Jew-ish (like a Jew) and then they threw him from congress. I personally have tremendous amount for Satmer for better and enviously worse as far as my concern they could recreate another Stetner Train and another bankruptcy lawyer… clearly those guys you see in this videos are complete idiots who have nothing better to say than the fact they have no business with Israel it also buys seats on Colombia university seats
You guys saw how they kissed Hamad ineejud? There is a name for it it’s called Laich-tag syndrome (אור לגויים) Laich is light in yidish and tag is in English a light switch.
They should be the subjects of their “chevra kadisha” sooner than later.
Why are you giving these clowns a platform?
Did I type in Ringling Bros.com by mistake?
She should have taken his hat. His soul is already taken.
As Politico reported recently, the agitators get handsomely rewarded for their efforts by left-wing groups (Soros, Pritzker, Rockefeller, other Biden donors) and the Qatar-funded pro-Palestinian groups. Vos tut men nisht far kein parnassah…
It would be a serious violation of the First Oath (misgareh ba’umos), except that Soros, who funds the agitators, also funded DA’s who won’t prosecute for these actions.
Thank you YWN for giving them publicity
You’re one of their strongest supporters
But when you post them as Michalel Shabbos bifarhesia every single Shabbos we know of how much a Shomer Shabbos you are
Even due I disagree with a lot of things yidden do around the world when you label them ‘animals’ you just proven again your personal hatred tru anyone who is different than you
(Yeah you can post something Satmar Rabbi said.. we all know your hatred on Satmar or anyone who poses more frum)
Don’t forget: the Israelis who support Palestinians are still yidden..
Weiss lives on Saddle River Road in Monsey
Deport them to iran along with all the other American haters…they should live with the people they love!!!!
Sinas Chinam buries people. These nutcases have no sense of reality. They do not know how to distinguish between bad and evil. I am an anti-zionist [bad] (I.E. I am against the Israeli government because it consists of people (not all) who want to uproot Torah from Yidden). However, befriending our enemies [evil] who murder our people is not only counter intuitive, it down right INSANE! The only way someone can even consider doing so is by acting out of pure hatred that has NOTHING to do with defending the Torah! These people in no way, shape, or form act l’shem shamiyim! I do not envy their day of judgment!
Good paying kolel in a county of free speech
instead of covering NK events, would YWN please publish these people’s full names, addresses and vehicle license plate numbers? Inquiring minds want to know.
The גמטריא of משה דוד is also – אוהב השם
And Mr Coffee addict, to be blunt, your point was insanely stupid, as there hundreds of people named Moshe Dovid who are absolute yirei shamayim and chashuvim and once you start playing the gematria game you can do that with any name
So if a city bus were to have accidentally backed up over these meshugaim burning flags on Fifth Avenue, it would probably have been difficult to get a minyan for kaddish at the levayah. Every day we read about more casualties in the war against Hamas makes one wishes for their neutralization by whatever means would be most expedient.
Wishing everyone יום-העצמאות שמח which we now are going to be observing even more fastidiously
Anyone not reciting הלל ביום-העצמאות is an ungrateful self hating Jew
Who ever takes down or tears Toeva Rainbow flag they charge them with hate crime, but USA flag is a freedom of “hate” speech. Welcome to the Crazy world
Qiddush haShem.
I’m trying to fit the gematria of ym”s but can’t find it because even though he’s not an ehrliche yid – nebech a meshumad and moiser/ he is a yid and Tinuk shenishbu.
I can’t find a single good trait in him/them. To me he’s worse than Lieberman
I don’t support nk’s antics whatsoever but the tone of this piece indicates a sympathy for the Zionist ideology
Shame on you.
This guy is as stuck on stupid as they come.
@147 – You should realize that just like NK are extremists on the Right, you are an extremist on the Left. I can give an hour lecture on saying Hallel on Yom Ha’Atzma’ut both the Pros and the Cons and can convince people both ways. The Gedolim are divided on this subject, but somehow you know better.
It is well known that the Rambam stated that a person should always (except for Anger) take the middle path. Not leaning too much to the right nor the left. I advise you take his advice and humble your extreme views.
Shimen, burning the flag is clearly speech, which the constitution absolutely protects. There can’t be any exceptions for speech that we don’t like! If people are not free to declare their hatred for America then there is no freedom of speech and therefore no America.
Alex from NY, stop making things up. Anyone is free to burn a rainbow flag, just as they can an American or Israeli flag. They can’t be charged with any crime — so long as the flag belongs to them, and they don’t violate the fire code. Obviously stealing a flag is a crime, whether it’s a rainbow flag, a USA flag, or a Nazi swastika flag.
Remember hatred is not a crime, and can’t be one.