CNN Analyst Reveals Hegseth Regularly Trashed Trump In Private When She Worked At Fox News


Democratic CNN analyst Julie Roginsky told anchor Jim Acosta that a pair of Trump picks — would-be Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth and DNI nominee Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) —  used to trash President-elect Donald Trump in private when Roginsky worked at Fox News.

CNN unearthed audio of Trump HHS pick Robert F. Kennedy Jr. trashing Trump and his supporters on his radio show — even likening him to Hitler.

On Thursday’s edition of CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta, Acosta asked Roginsky about the resurfaced comments. As she responded, Roginsky casually revealed Hegseth would privately “say ridiculous” things that would not please Trump if he heard them — and so did Gabbard:

JIM ACOSTA: Julie. I mean, I do want to move to another story– CNN’s K File. Our friend Andrew Kaczynski recently uncovered harsh descriptions of Trump and his supporters that RFK Jr. previously applauded.

On his radio show In 2016, Trump’s pick to lead Health and Human Services agreed that Trump’s base is full of, quote, “idiots and bootlickers.”.

He also likened Trump to Adolf Hitler in a statement to CNN. RFK Jr now says he supports Trump’s vision and regrets his past comments, saying you no longer holds these beliefs. Julie, what do you think about all that?

JULIE ROGINSKY: I mean, it’s it’s an a long line of people who have bent the knee to Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio, I’m old enough to remember, used to make fun of Donald Trump’s genitalia.

Pete Hegseth, who I used to work with at Fox privately would say ridiculous things about Donald Trump, things that Trump would not want to hear.

And so Tulsi Gabbard would trash Donald Trump repeatedly and so on and so forth.

And so did the majority of the Republicans who serve in the United States Senate now until they all bent the knee. They all knelt before Zod.

BRAD TODD: But wait a second. We just had an election where a lot of Democrats who ran for the U.S. Senate talked about how well they worked with Trump. Tammy Baldwin bragged on Trump. Bob Casey bragged on Trump. Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester bragged on Trump.

JULIE ROGINSKY: They lost, except for one.

BRAD TODD: Well, let’s make sure. Let’s make sure we clear this up–

JIM ACOSTA: And I said and I also think that I mean, Trump kind of collects past critics like Infinity Stones. If I could throw in a Avengers reference there, I mean, that is something he’s done time and again. And it seems to me he seems to be doing it with a lot of the picks in his cabinet. Maybe even his vice president.

BRAD TODD: Over time, he’s actually gotten to where he can get over past criticism. You know, that’s a thing he’s he’s grown toward. He doesn’t change much, but that’s one thing he’s changed.

JIM ACOSTA: All right. Thanks, guys. Appreciate.

Watch above via CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta.
