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DECEMBER 31, 2024

/ Programs / You Think About That / Forgiveness

You can’t forgive until you’ve been forgiven, and then only to the degree to which you’ve been forgiven.

When the apostle Peter asked Jesus how often he had to forgive his brother, Peter said that he had already forgiven him seven times.

Jesus said that Peter wasn’t even close. He said not seven times, but seven times seventy. Jesus looked at Peter and realized he didn’t understand. So, Jesus went to the cross.

By the way, you can’t forgive until you’ve been forgiven. And then you can only forgive to the degree to which you have been forgiven. I suspect that Peter, after the cross, finally understood. Do you have trouble forgiving?

Go look at the cross, and it’ll be fixed, mostly.

I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.

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 We  pretend hidden agendas are just for politicians, but we all have them.  We’re phony, afraid and sinful, and the pressure of keeping it all  together is overwhelming. Frankly, it’s killing us and hurting those we  love. An invitation for us to drop our masks, and discover how God’s  love and grace propel us into the “real” relationships we thought we’d  never have. How to live free and honest. An excerpt from Steve’s book, Hidden Agendas

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 We  pretend hidden agendas are just for politicians, but we all have them.  We’re phony, afraid and sinful, and the pressure of keeping it all  together is overwhelming. Frankly, it’s killing us and hurting those we  love. An invitation for us to drop our masks, and discover how God’s  love and grace propel us into the “real” relationships we thought we’d  never have. How to live free and honest. An excerpt from Steve’s book, Hidden Agendas

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